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Medical Emergency

In the event of a Medical Emergency:

  • Do not move the person. If necessary, administer first aid.
  • Call Paramedics. Dial 911. Tell them your floor and suite number and a concise, accurate description on the emergency.
  • Call Building Management. 202.347.5203. We will hold an elevator ready for the paramedic team. After normal business hours call the Management Office. Your call will be directly routed to the Tenant Assistant Desk.
  • If a private physician has been called, let us know, and we will escort the doctor to your office.
  • Post one person at the elevator to lead the medical team to the person in distress.
  • A defibrillator, oxygen, and other first aid supplies are all in a portable 'backpack' located in the Command Center. All security staff has been trained in CPR, defibrillator use, and general first-aid.